06 February 2010

Music City Scrum

While the meeting of the Fourth Reich takes place in Nashville, I pondered the Book of the Future's layout of the new Führer once again rising from humble beginnings with little more leadership to go on than a feeling of destiny before her in the wily western north, competing against the current nation's leader whose leadership skills are based on similar manifest feelings that haven't panned out very well.

All across the world, the old patterns re-emerge - people blaming others for their woes, people looking for someone to lead them out of this quagmire, the idle rich coaxing the idle unemployed to make them richer with no thought toward consequences.

I hate knowing the future.  It's not always fun and games.  Like seeing Haiti and knowing there's nothing I can do about stopping earthquakes.  Or watching as our nations finally link all their missile defense systems together in one big planetary defense system to protect us from extraterrestrial stuff we only imagine will threaten our species' existence, unaware of the real threat facing us in the years ahead (no surprise there, the same ol' threat once again: ourselves).

Reminds me of an episode in the original Star Trek series about a woman whose death made the difference between the events that would take place in a place similar to Germany in the leadup to WWII.  I know what's going to happen, I have planned for the future and will act accordingly, keeping a low profile when the time is right because the voice of freedom will not have its day in the sun for a while and thus Air America's demise is only the start of what Rupert Murdoch's media empirebuilding has reignited.

I bow my head in shame of what our people are about to do to each other.  Although the future is not guaranteed, we do repeat our childish habits because there are no supreme humans steering us in the right direction (although we want to believe otherwise), leaving us to fend for ourselves as we turn on one another like rabid animals.

I will keep this blog/story going as long as I can but when it comes time for the storm troopers to start rounding up all the independent thinkers, I will not make myself a martyr intentionally.  I like living, not dying for a cause just to repeat more history of our people.  My goal is to get off this planet and run the show from another location where politics has been eliminated because people had to take a different form off-world and thus cast aside many of the physical traits that lead us to repeat ourselves here on Earth.

Some of you already know what's going to happen.  Some of you will keep taking advantage of the situation because you firmly believe in terra firma.  All the power to you.  With no legacy to leave behind for Earthbound offspring, I can find other joys to seek.  See you around...for now.

This is the Year of the Woman that I'd celebrate with this blog - I just didn't say which woman was going to make it her turn to be praised by her adoring worshippers in lockstep - I celebrate all women, including those who know better than to follow the crowd.  May you find a way out of this next cycle of inhumanity!

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