16 February 2010

The Work of Idle Minds

Having friends with contrasting cultural backgrounds leads to humourous conversations.  In one conversation, the "warning" that phone calls from strangers seeking your attention are used to run voiceprint analyses and put subliminal messages in your thoughts.  In another conversation, the insight that we are a bunch of clueless idiots with no idea what's going on.  In a recent conversation, the observation that we're looking at a great set of thunderstorms coming, with lots of lightning and gullywashers this spring, if predictions work out to the meteorologists' favour.

In the current state of our world economy, we have opportunities galore.  The diverging audience tastes give anyone with a webcam and a guitar a chance to become an instant star.  If you don't want fame and fortune, you can sit quietly and let the noise of billions' voices drown you out.

By now, we agree that we're all here, connected or connected to those who are connected.  The next phase of our people's existence has begun.  Do you like roller coaster rides?  Do you think you can handle your private moments becoming public?  Are you ready to conform to the public image of yourself 24-hours-a-day?  Do you know, really know and understand, the definition of individuality?  Do you finally see there is no you?  Just wait and see!  In fact, there is no waiting.  You can see it now if you take the blinders and the rose-coloured glasses off.  But do you want to?

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