16 September 2009


"If the Eiffel Tower were now representing the world's age, the skin of paint on the pinnacle knob at the summit would represent [our species'] share of that age; and anybody would perceive that that skin was what the tower was built for. I reckon they would, I dunno." - Mark Twain, from "Letters from the Earth"
A person once commented that only the very rich and very poor know what life is all about, the rest of us having the luxury to live imaginary lives. In all sayings a bit of truth hangs around, laughing.

So today I sit here in my quiet space, a music player banging out "Art Lover" by the Kinks and "Back in the USSR" by the Beatles, preceded by Weather Report and Chuck Mangione pieces, while the grinding gears and backup beeps of construction equipment tap the neighbourhood background rhythm, letting truth have its say, my eyes looking at five yellowed textbooks in search of:
  • Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
  • Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey Now by Maya Angelou
  • The Bhagavad Gita
  • The Ryrie Study Bible
  • The Koran
From the Koran, "The Slanderer," 104:1 - 104:9 and "Mary," 19:29 - 19:38. From the Bible, Deuteronomy 8:1-20 and Matthew 20:1-16. From the Bhagavad Gita, 3:1-35 and 12:1-20. From Maya Angelou, "What's So Funny" and "Brutality Is Definitely Not Acceptable." From Whitman, "A Song for Occupations," "Come Up From the Fields Father," and "Ethiopia Saluting The Colors."

My thoughts and words have always been thought, spoken, and written by others before, during and after me. Ambiguities are just as important as absolutes. I have only one life on this planet and no time to argue semantics. I do not worry about the value of my local currency abroad. My concern is the general health of my species, which I look at as one person (or family) whose symptoms indicate the need for a better diet, including food, thoughts and action.

I observe and let others observe for me. Because I am a man, I also have awareness of myself as a man, sometimes clouded in my awareness by attraction to women. Beauty is universal, meaning that it transcends one type or one look. Beauty is Gift wearing glasses and furry ponytail holder. Beauty is the freckled nape of a "Drop Dead Diva" sitting in the stands of a sports stadium. Beauty is the eyes of an ebony legislator talking politics. Beauty is the voice of a confident Indian businesswoman.

Beauty is humour and laughter in all of us.

I love my world, no matter what I feel in the moment. I don't need disaster and fear spreaders to separate me from the rest of my species. I need you even if I can't have you. We can feel negative emotions and learn from them. Just don't let others build negative emotions in you for their gain because you may learn a lesson that has no hope. If I swat away a wasp, how are the wasp and I to learn our positive value to one another? If I listen to the news, how am I to know what is the normal death rate for flu and what is an undercurrent of fear keeping us apart?

We know that truth is beauty and beauty truth. Then why do we let ourselves get distracted by lies and innuendos? Let ambiguities be. Do not twist them into absolute truths. It's okay to be angry at the person you love because you know that love will ease the feelings of anger and let you resolve the issue, sometimes in your favour and sometimes not. The point is not to keep score.

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