18 September 2009

The Seven Sea Lions

"Umm, Edna."

"Yes, George?"

"How long we gotta lay on these rocks? My back is killing me."

"Hey, George!"

"Yeah, Futio, wutizzit?"

"You think there're fish in heaven?"

"How'm I supposed to know? I can't get Edna to tell me what she wants for Christmas. Tiwi, you up for a swim?"

"Sure, George. Just gotta okay it with the mizzuz. Whatdya say, honey? Mind if I chase a few tails?"

"No problem, dear. You make sure you bring me back somethin' for dinnuh. Last night, you were so drunk on sardines, I almost didn't forgive ya."

"You females are all alike. We soak up the sun all day and one slip out for a bite with the guys and ya act like we wuz cheatin' on ya."

"Get outta here."

"Hey, George! She said I'm good to go."

"Great. Let's get the twins, Fayed and Fudu, to join us."

"Don't fuhget Junior and Tyrone."

"Yeah, guess they're old enough now, ain't they?"

- - -

"Okay, guys, this is how it goes. We're part of the famous seven sea lions, as depicted in greatness to be the ones who show the way to the other sea lions. Now, see it's like this. The Great Sea Lion in the Big Pond is going to come back one day and he wants all the fish for himself but seein' how he's the generous type, he'll take some of youse back with him. We seven, plus Edna and Tiwi's mizzuz, of course, we're a shoo-in. So that means there's either one-hundred, forty-four thousand more of us goin' back with the big guy or the same plus or minus seven or so. I can't never tell, math not bein' my subject when we's wuz chasin' them schools of fish."

"Say, George. I wuz swimming on the bottom of the shoreline and saw this yellow box labeled Arm-and-Hammer. Does that mean the end is coming?"

"Ya know, Tiwi, that might be the sign they wuz talkin' about. Well, fellas, this might be the end. That means you go get all the fish you can handle. But it also means them sharks and orcas are comin' after us. And I don't have to tell you it's every sea lion for himself. Oh, and hey, be careful out there."

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