03 September 2009

Plotting the Plot

Thanks to Tarantino, my next story has taken an interesting detour. What if, instead of having the police forces of the world (e.g., Revolutionary Guard, Mexican drug cartel gangs) enforce conformity, they enforced diversity? Gun-toting grandmothers roaming the neighbourhood breaking up fights, not because bullies are shaking down the little kids lunch money but because they're making the little kids adopt their point of view ("Join my club or else!" sort of thing). Liberal armies led by former SNL writers - oh wait, that one's already been done! Trying to write original storylines with tributes or the occasional homage is not easy, eh Quentin?

I'm using recent blog entries to build up the anger that such a leader would feel. Thoughts such as:
  • "Lead, follow or we'll shove you out of the way."
  • "If you're not with us, you're stepping stones."
  • "Your culture's 15 minutes in the spotlight are up. Get to the back of the line. Next!"
  • "18th century French culture set to American pop tunes? Interesting but unoriginal - already been done."
  • "Bollywood set to 19th century English author's storyline? Somebody get me an aspirin. I want new, not replastered!"
  • "21st century global economic collapse set in the Andes? Get me Jackie Chan and that actor Khan held up in an American airport...you want Miley Cyrus in it, too? Throw in Jennifer Lopez and you've got a deal! Merchandising rights go to the Multicultural Lightning-Strike Force, of course."

And you thought I was serious! Here, have a happy pill. It's a sugar-filled placebo but you don't have to know that.

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