11 September 2009


I looked at the two-faced entity, representing Comedy and Tragedy, our fearless, invisible inspiration, who agreed to speak to an isolated population of people:

"My brothers and sisters who we secretly trained to infiltrate the Iranian Revolutionary clerical system of government from the beginning, who were selected at birth by a special group of people dedicated to stopping religious tyranny, your time has come.

"Embrace your religion by taking off the masks of the impostors who rule a humourless cause, including the one who calls himself the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Muhammed was a man of Allah, who knew both the happy face and the sad face, not a man ruling brutally over men. Allah is universal. Allah gave us joy and laughter. Allah is not in the terror business. Allah created us, who invented the terror business.

"Do not use violence to end violence. Use the universal method of taking down ruthless losers. Civil disobedience. Lay down your weapons of war so you can put on a comedy show like your brothers in Palestine. Walk away from a system of government that no longer works for your citizens and open a shop of humour. Allah is great, not the ones who abuse the Qu'ran to their benefit. Do not let Sunni and Shi-ite differences set you apart. Join with one another in having a good laugh. Allah gave you a funny bone as well as other religious instructions for living.

"Your land is yours, not theirs. Strength is in you, provided you use it for wise decisionmaking, including the writing of satirical scripts.

"The Persian empire was greater than the Iranian nation and can be great again. You can be world leaders, not negotiators at the tables of so-called great nations. You can show the world that laughter is better medicine than weapons of mass destruction.

"Change of government rulers does not mean change in your way of living, if you like the way you live now.

"Actions speak louder than words. Show others the ability to smile. The life of a devotee to Allah is greater than the life of a government ruler who has nothing but scorn, imprisonment and death for his contemporaries when they oppose him politically in their devotion to Allah.

"Do not confuse politics and religion. A life of religious piety is favored by all. Politics is a marketplace of ideas. One may live in both worlds and still be devoted to Allah while accepting political changes to improve your lives. And when you don't agree on an issue, remember to use laughter to heal any serious condition."

I bowed and thanked the invisible entity for the words I could quote for a story. I am not a religious adherent so I cannot understand the desire by people to use words like crusade or jihad to justify sending others to do their killing for them. I am a simple man, who looks up at the crows passing by in the woods and sees a child's cartoon movie of talking and arguing magpies. The ant crawling up my leg and the mosquito drawing blood from my shin are all I know and want to know. I laugh when I see the gnat sitting on my leg where I scratched the place that the mosquito's meal made me itch, which makes me see my true place on this spot, a blog just electronic bits, unable to bite me. Politics and religion are not my bag of tricks, only props for comedy skits.

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