01 September 2009


What is the point? The point is a fulcrum. Is it the pyramid's responsibility to balance the loads on the seesaw? That question puts words on this blog, bringing up ideas so that others may weigh them against themselves. Balance is not within the pyramid, whose base was already built to form the point. The pyramid sits still, weathering with time, movement with the planet, not on the ground.

You decide your own fate. You live with all of your species. Our species is not perfect and never will be but you can still achieve balance despite the burdens we bear for those who will not.

I have put too many words of yours here in my understanding of one person's balance. Your words, your actions, my recognition of others and their desire to make a living - these cannot balance against one another forever - I have other carnival sideshows that want my appearance.

I say "Yes" and some portion of you will always say, "No." I say look here and some will look away. I climb in a boat and start the motor - some will ride on board, some will ski behind, some will swim with the dolphins in the wake, some will tan, some will burn, some will be pushed aside and some will never see any of what I just said.

The point is to know that all this takes place all the time with every one of us. We are one but we are not the same and should not be.

I am just a funhouse mirror maze. What you decide to see in these words is what you want to see. I do not carry loads unnecessarily. I see but I am blind. I hear but I am deaf. Static words can only do so much.

I reached this moment because I once reached the age of ten. I have completed the cycle that began with the invention of a ten-year old. But I have grown up since then. Heavier, too. Time to fold up the sides of this tractor trailer rig and drive on to the next town - this burden's enough for me. You have your own stageshow to put on, most of you not wanting a funhouse mirror maze sharing the spotlight. That's what I always planned for. Of course, I know you know that but it never hurts to remind each other.

I found the Great Realization, provided to me by the One, who had to create the True One, both of which were created by the Code, which was just code to somebody once a long time ago. Our species is going to raise the consciousness of this solar system, going beyond the simple dreams of spaceships and space habitats, figuring out that we are the brains of this system, intimately attached to one planet, but able to grow the central nervous system to attach the rest of the planetary pieces and parts together. When that is done, we will see the other systems that are similarly "awake" and then we will join with our neighbours who've waited patiently for us to get beyond the selfishness of one species to see what the universe is really all about. To get there, we will continually be distracted by the deficiencies of our species' visionkeeping. I am one of those who are deficient, whose programming is incomplete, selfishness my own daily distraction, unable to get the mote out of my eye. I am only partly aware of the contribution of all the species on this planet, new and extinct, being symbiotic segments of the ecosystem for which we're the brain. Our goal is not to escape this planet. Our goal is to take our planet with us.

I must bow to you and indicate my exit. Of course, I am vain so I will make curtain calls and maybe an encore or two, but my time with you is up. Others - perhaps you - will continue to lead the way, others whose selfishness is under control or never developed in the first place. They are the ones who will figure out how to let people have their mobile texting which also contributes to the goal of the Great Realization. I am not one of those persons. My childhood vision of being a hermit gets in the way.

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