22 September 2009


We look at the decline of traditional mass media and fear the worst - "what happens if we lose the fourth estate?" I have worked for and have friends who work for traditional media outlets so I apologize to myself and my friends for making this observation but everyone else is thinking or saying it, anyway.

If we get rid of the advertising-driven media outlets and rely on each other's use of "neutral" means of mass communication - the Internet, et al - can we rid ourselves of the fear-mongers who serve their self-interest? I already trust input from global blogging, texting and email friends more than I do the major news networks and their news bureaus whose investigative stories are reduced to two-minute newsbites surrounded by adverts. More and more people I know depend on our friends over the information from so-called authoritative figures. Any talking head who has to shout loses our attention.

I don't know where this is going. These are just my feet riding the wave of current trends, unable and unwilling to describe the future in my thoughts at this time, the world of our species conscious of itself in new ways every day, our selves as cells connecting with positive feedback in every moment. If every cell is given an equal voice (or at least a voice that is self-empowered to see and speak of itself as having a say in the world body), is that enough? Liberating is not liberal or libel. Or even truly free.

I...I don't have the complete vision here. I have never met a perfectly evil person. I have met people who use simple methods to express themselves through violence and deadly weaponry but I didn't know them well enough to say if their methodology was innate or learned. In any case, imperfection and variety are the rule, not the exception, so there will be cells that act counter to the needs of the body. I don't want compliance or coercion. I only expect us all to agree we're of the same species and go from there.

My thoughts are jumbled today. My blood pressure up. I usually laugh and get a big jolt of fun from conversing with and perusing the words, images and music of my species but today I may just plain be personally ill. One's self is still most important, no matter what. Time to give my body some water and other input for good, long health - this is just a bunch of words that can't be increased if I'm too sick to type. Rick, I love you - go get a sip of agua and take a quick nap.

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