29 September 2009

Mild Humourous Thought of the Day

A Muslim, a Christian, a Jewish, a Buddhist, a Hindu and an atheist leader were walking down the road discussing the type of material best used to construct paths for vehicles with rubber tyres.

They talked about gravel, sand, dirt, tar, concrete, glass, brick and all the construction equipment they knew about but they couldn't reach a consensus agreement on the best road surface.

An Eskimo walked up to them and asked what they were discussing. After several minutes of listening to their arguments, the Eskimo responded.

"In my language we have many words for what you agree to call snow. The same is true for roads. A road in the mountains or in a desert requires a different surface material than driving on top of a lake."

The Eskimo's new companions looked perplexed and said that you can't drive on the surface of a lake.

The Eskimo replied. "You forgot one thing. A religious point of view doesn't solve every problem. God or nature was here before us - ice is also a road surface in the right conditions, like driving on a lake in winter."

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