25 September 2009


Squirrels are busy in the yard today. They jump from limb to limb, their tails flapping furriously, and pull hickory nuts from branches. I don't know what squirrels see when looking at a tree, whether they can distinguish a living limb from a dead one. My vantage point today prevents me from seeing the tops of the tree canopy but I can tell where the squirrels move about by the falling twigs that squirrels jump on and break off, the little sticks freefalling and catching leaves, sometimes held in place and sometimes thumping into the vinca groundcover.

My moment is my moment. I see the universe in constant flux. I am neither happy nor content, able to exist, be, in the moment without thought or emotion.

I have grown tired of playing the internetnews headlines game. I had thought I wanted to circle the Moon and needed to benefit others who mine stock data or mine minerals who would help me see our planet from our natural satellite. In the meantime, I forgot the moment and got carried away by those who play chess against one another in disinformation, buying and selling news, financing and fighting against their foes.

I am part of my species but I don't have to take part in all of my species' activities. My species will be my species without me being here in this blog. It takes how many days to change one's habits? Thirty days? Sixty days?

It is time to rest these weary fingers. Silence and contemplation are my momentary companions, even though I am a social creature. There is enough of the universe right here for me that I can let others have the Moon and Mars to save our species for their enjoyment, however they wish to put our species to use.

To be me, I am me and am willing to be free, free from self, free of self, free with self, free from others, free of others, free with others. Free of semantics, too. No words, just be. Me and Notme.

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