06 August 2009

Bobbin' Robin

Robin looked in the mirror.

"I am not who I was yesterday. I will not be who I am today."

The face looked back and smiled.

"I do not exist. The temporary illusion of a body provides no illumination."

The slumped shoulders straightened up.

"All is vanity."

Hands on hips raised up and touched each other high above the head, repeating the action 50 times.

"Nuova altezze. ये शब्द कोई अर्थ नहीं है. Leipoa leipää ennen puoltapäivää."

The ears wiggled in recognition of the exact meaning of the phrases because everything is not what it seems to be.

Robin slipped into clothes for the day, an old pair of silver dress pants, a light-green pressed linen shirt and a royal blue sports jacket. Robin stepped into maroon polished-leather shoes and wiped off the dust between the tassels.

Robin walked out of the dwelling, noting the wind direction and looked at the available vehicles. Something obscure, perhaps? Yes, the late model red delivery truck will do.

Robin drove for a few clicks and parked along the roadside, watching the activities of people at a business located across the street. A white service caravan sat up on the curb, the driver pretending to have difficulties finding directions, falsely chattering with someone on the mobile phone.

Robin adjusted the side mirror using the remote control mounted on the steering column and pressed a recessed screw that triggered a small camera. Not an ordinary camera (Robin being out of the ordinary in every way) but a camera which recorded stereoscopic X-ray, infrared, ultraviolet and one other image that Robin revealed to no one, not even Robin. The wireless computer inside Robin's jacket processed the images and projected a 3D composite into Robin's brain, including an analysis chart listing the frequencies passing into and out of the people and equipment inside the caravan.

Robin looked in the rearview mirror.

"I do not exist but others want me to. They believe I have what they do not. Without an I, I have no secrets. Without any secrets, they have no purpose in their belief. They exist only because they believe I exist. If they discover I have no secrets, they will not exist. They twist nothing into patterns to mirror their nonexistence. Therefore, our species has no higher function than vanity. 'I want to exist because I see you want to exist.'"

Robin plugged a portable convection oven into the AC converter box, placed the pocket organic computer inside the oven and burned the computer down to ashes. Robin waited for the ashes to cool and poured them into a container on the floor. As Robin drove away, a door opened in the bottom of the delivery truck and scattered the ashes onto the street.

Robin tapped a rhythm on the steering wheel. "The past and the future are now. Time to find another place to not exist with others like me in the moment."

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