18 August 2009


"I appreciate your interest. I'm pleased you asked me on your show."

"No problem. As you know, I represent many who want to know more about you. We like to hear in your words how you two got together."

"Well, it's funny how those things happen, isn't it? I mean, you'd think by now we'd recognize why we get attracted."

Wrikon'cha nodded. She had worked her way up through the organization just for this one interview. Then she would find more important work ahead of her to serve the cause. She took her hands out of her lap, placed them on the arms of the chair and crossed her legs, using body language to encourage her guest to continue speaking.

"So...how did we meet? I suppose we were meant for each other from the beginning. Such things...what do they call it, karma?"

"Some do, ma'am."

"When you meet the One, you don't just walk up and ask a simple question. You want to ask the question. You want to be prepared, to study ahead of time, to see the universe like a wildflower field first thing in the morning, covered with dew, shiny and new, but also like it will be during winter, dry and barren above but teeming with life down below."

"How long did you prepare for your get-together?"

Mrs. Premier laughed. "Of course I didn't prepare. I bumped into the One while I was on holiday, totally unaware that this was who everybody was talking about."

"Uh-huh. Thank you for your emotional honesty. However, because I understand the significance of our being here, I would like to know something we haven't already read, seen or heard. Is there a fact you can share with us that hasn't been recorded already? Before we reached the time where the One revealed all?"

"You're being kind. So many people have asked me about this that I've turned our meeting into an artifact, haven't I? Let's see...what can I recall that you don't know..."

"While you go back to that moment, we're going to show our audience some key moments in your life with the One. Folks, we'll be back before you can change channels."

The producer leaned over and put her hand on the arm of Premier's wife. "This is a great start. You've got our audience hooked. Now, will you be able to give us anything new or do we need to change subjects?"

"Oh, no, that won't be necessary. I have a couple of details that'll keep your audience glued to this program. By the way, while the One was looking at the share of profits from this show, I recommended we use the profits to fund a new opposition group somewhere. I plan to go on an overseas trip and would like to visit some struggling refugees who know they owe a debt of gratitude to me, being the One's one, so to speak. For an increased share of this show's profits, I'll give you exclusive rights to my trip."

"That's a delightful idea. Hold on. I'm passing your proposal to the board right now. Uh-huh. Yes. Of course. We'll get that more fully defined. Okay. No. Yes. Sure. Got it. Madame, we see a problem if this exclusive deal leaks out. Instead, why don't you invite several media reps, letting us have first interview rights for some of the opposition leaders?"

"The One's already seen that decision point. You are to instigate an off-camera incident that allows the opposition group to demonstrate its weakness during your interview, promoting a new product that the One wants the world population to use in six months."

"Can you give us a clue about this product's market, something our creative marketing department can start working on?"

"The One will reveal this information soon but not before today's show is over."

"Fantastic! We're on again in 10 seconds. Nine...eight...seven...six..."

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