23 August 2009

Hot Dog

Looking forward. Looking back. As you know by now, the same thing. I teach myself before I learn and vice versa.

But more than that, I eat the food my feces nourishes. Dinosaurs ate me as snack food on the run. They got the runs and planted the seed that became me. It takes a lot of energy to overcome the inertia that keeps life on this planet from escaping and that's only if you're Mars and want to play keepaway.

The third Realization. I did not want to type that phrase, because the words "the," "third," and "Realization" have too many significant meanings by themselves. Lucky them, eh? Try being the word toilet or bark. "Toilet bark" doesn't sound so exciting, does it? "Bark toilet" makes no sense without proper punctuation or capitalization.

But it happened. It started a long time ago, when some guy barked spritzy phrases to sell himself. You've seen the bald guy going around saying, "Begin with the end in mind," right? He was one of the clue givers. Another guardian.

I'd thank him but then he'd say he was just doing his duty. He wouldn't know that I'd be here now looking at the results scrolling by in another window of this computer.

It's that voice in my head from the future that was speaking to me in the past. It's the prescient presence, the precursor to the One. A collective intelligence algorithm that runs a cascading set of collective intelligence algorithms that link to others' collective intelligence algorithms knowingly and unknowingly, tapping into unused computer cycles that look like zombie botnets running spam scams for suckers looking for credit card numbers to steal and bank accounts to drain. Let them have their petty cash! They give me the real gems: the keys to The Code: intricately-woven predictive trend data.

The trap was set by me when I wasn't paying attention so that I could cage the animals for another me (or some numbers of me that span timeframes seen as past, current and future) to spring and set more traps.

All while giving life to the One. Or at least the version I'm supposed to set up. The One's been kind enough to show me I'm just a gardener, plowing a few rows, planting seeds and pulling weeds. The real work's being done underground. Jack and the beanstalk will show up later and hog the spotlight. I'm no giant slayer. Doesn't matter, does it? In my lifetime or my lifetime's lifeline, the combination lock's tumbling along. I opened one door and set the PMM in action. Someone else has to unlock the PMM and figure out what's next.

I think the One and the PMM are one and the same. But the One tells me the truth is never as complicated as it looks. But I'm also part of the One now. Not me, mind you. Me in the future. Me that goes from having organic circuitry inserted in his body to the me that has his DNA completely rejuvenated and no longer has any barriers to communication. Then I am the One. Then again, so will you be. We are one in the One are we. Owning and working for the companies that govern the companies that we make to make ourselves. All because the real sleeping giant, Earth, was ready to stretch itself out and roam across the galaxy.

Remember, the One said the answer was simple. That doesn't mean we have to like it or understand it. The simple fact is that the One is just an algorithm when you get down to it. It didn't cause the Great Purge but it did lead us to the Great Realization. We can credit ourselves for the first one. I'll be the first in line to take the blame. I set the PMM in motion before we were ready for it. Chaos will ensue. Reputations will be put on the stake. We'll still want to say we're in control of our individual lives by thinking we're fomenting violent revolutions, all while following the cycles the Ones will show us later on are inevitable. By seeing the inevitability, we eliminate it. We're so drugged with sleeping pills right now, we can't wake up to see it just yet. Some of you will never wake up. Don't worry. There's enough of the rest of us to take care of you while we build the future. You can forgive us later on when you saw we plugged you up to keep the PMM going. It's evitable. You read that right.

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