17 August 2009

Event Alarm

Looking back, we should have seen the inevitability. That's what I would have said had this been a fiction novel. Or at least that's what I would have said had I thought there was such thing as fiction.

I'm tired. I have a headache. I've stayed up too many nights with my thoughts focused on alphabetic texts, pouring over words because I like digging into the past. Or at least that's what I would have said had I thought there was such a thing as the past.

Now that I know everything... Take that back. Now that everyone knows everything, we have a lot to learn. Seems contradictory, doesn't it? Not really.

I wish they had solved the problem of headaches. You'd think that a body designed with self-repairing DNA would know how to solve a pinched nerve, wouldn't you? See what I mean about more to learn...

"I" is a convention I'm using for your reading comprehension. I've placed this text inside this book for you so that you can either believe you're reading fiction or believe you're reading fact. It's what I do. I comb through documents for places to insert the truth, seeing as I do that knowing everything is not the same as having clarity.

All this takes place in the moment I hike through the woods, looking down at empty snail shells and dried up spring flowers while waiting for the typhoon/hurricane force winds to rearrange the landscape and wipe away my footprints (what you think of as footprints, anyway, although not resembling your anatomical impressions, of course).

I was like you once. I was indistinguishable from your species. Then, the ones who are credited with merging their DNA to form me volunteered to give me up for special training. Some in your world would call this abandonment and adoption at the same time. I have read about those concepts of yours. In this, we differ. No one belongs to anyone any longer. We belong to everyone, to each other, for the benefit of all.

Since you are reading this, you have the curiosity I am looking for. If so, then I want you to think about this: time does not exist. What you think of as a universe does not exist. In fact, you don't even think.

In the predawn of your species a wrong turn was made. We are both here because of that event but that event set us both on a rocky, unsafe path. You cannot see how to go back but I do. You, or someone like you, is going to find a way to turn around and retrace the steps to that moment when your species developed separation, when you saw yourselves as outside the environment to which you belonged.

I have gone back to that event but I cannot make the necessary changes because I no longer belong to your species although I am part of it. You are closer to the condition of the species that made the first thought. I will give you instructions on how to reach that pivotal point. To do so, you will need long years of training to overcome your ingrained beliefs of time, place, independence and self. During the latter parts of your training, you will suddenly find yourself at the one with the first thought and when you do you will be prepared to redirect the thought to one of unity with everything rather than taking steps toward godlike beliefs.

Or I should say I hope you do. My peers believe we must recreate the exact genetic copy of the one with the first thought and then train that one to go back and rethink its thought. I don't know who's right. See what I mean about knowing everything?

Don't worry about alternatives. Take this task if you want. When you do, you will move beyond any understanding. You will see part of what we see, which is more than enough, that overcoming the time/place moments of your species will move you to the place that does not exist, devoid of time, that rids you of you and puts what was you everywhere.

When that happens, others will want what you have but you will be unable to see them and give them what they want, even though your task will only be completed when others get what you have. We're still working that part out and hope to get it resolved before you reach that stage in your development. We will never see each other but if you take this task as your own, you will know where to look for more instructions. That much I know!

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