19 August 2009

Open Channel Flow

"Jim, Harry, thanks for coming on such short notice."

"No problem."

"Glad to be here."

"We've made a breakthrough." I got the attention of the server. "I'll have a Bohemia."

"Okay. And you, sirs?"

Harry spoke first. "Sweet tea, with lemon."

"Water for me, thanks."

"I'll return with your drinks and take your order."

"Thanks." I looked at my friends. "I assume El Olmeca is safe."

"Already taken care of. You can speak freely."

"Well, it looks like this. You remember I used to work for that sewer monitoring company?"


"I'm sure you've seen in the news the reports of prescription drug medicine found in the public drinking supply."

"Of course. What of it?"

"I accessed the medical records of the field service reps who worked in the sewers for at least 15 years. Every single one of the males developed man boobs."

Harry laughed. "Sorry, couldn't control myself. Man boobs?"

"Yes, due to increased estrogen in the moist surroundings and the resultant suspended water vapour, as well as long-term exposure of open wounds."

Jim smiled. "Interesting. But how is this important to our work?"

"I also read the chemical analysis reports of the bottled samples pulled from sewers around the world."

"Ah! That's where this is going. Perfect!"

"Yes. Now we have the data we need to calculate the combined effects of regional concentrations of industrial waste, including medicine, with the data you have amassed of the regional effect of wireless communication networks."

"Just what we wanted. Of course, we'll continue our own experiments on the local population?"

"Absolutely. We use that government funding for the lab."

"Good work, as always."


"Sirs, here are your drinks. What will you have to eat."

"I'll have the pollo limon."

"Thank you, sir. And you?"

"The huevos rancheros."

"And you, sir?"

"Umm...the steak special."

"Very good. I'll place your order."

"Thanks, Enrique."

"You're welcome."

"Guys, this place has been here for about eight years now and I've never had a bad meal."

"Looks popular."

"Yeah, that guy over there is married to the owner. Her family runs the El Olmeca restaurant chain. They are the future we are protecting."

"No doubt." Jim raised his glass. "To the immigrants, for whom this country was founded. Our ancestors paved the path for the next wave. Democracy at its proudest moment!"

Harry turned to me. "What's that look on your face for. You think we have a problem?"

"Yeah, I believe the guy at the counter ordering a takeaway order has spotted me."

"Oh, him? Don't worry. He's nothing to worry about. Gives him something to talk about with his wife. We'll take care of it for you."


"Hey, what are brothers for?"

We clinked the bottoms of our glasses together again and changed our conversation to the companies we were forming, our arms virtually stretched from past to future while we stood in the present.

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