16 August 2009

The Gathering

Son, now is the time for your final lesson. You will listen and not speak. Nothing you have to say will be heard here and now.

Many people's lives ago, a wise person passed through. The sage spoke no words but all could see the answers to their questions when they looked in the eyes of the one with no name.

The person had no features that stand out, being neither dark nor light, tall nor short, young nor old, male nor female. They say a slight glow walked through villages at night, going from one place to another, never stopping for more than a day or two. If anyone followed, the light faded away and showed up someplace else. The light seemed to belong to the wise one but after these many years who can say what is truth and what is lost in the tale.

Tonight, we will open your eyes to the only truth that exists from that time, a truth so powerful that you will not be the same person you are now. Some of your peers were brought here and no longer exist as themselves, in good ways and bad or not at all. You cannot know what you will see except the truth as we have all seen it.

Son, I am your mother and your father, your brothers and your sisters, your aunts and your uncles, your ancestors and your descendants. From this moment on, I am also unimportant, just as you will be one day.

Do not face the truth with pride. Do not believe the truth makes you great. The fact is that you are only a temporary vessel for the truth just as I have been and others before me. Many will come after us, from our village or from villages far away, perhaps on this planet or perhaps not, who will also carry the truth with them for a short period of time.

Son, I love you. No matter what you see or hear, no matter what you think or feel, I love you. You will reach a time when the truth will make you doubt all you know and love. I know this is hard to believe but the truth is what it is. The truth is not part of what you normally encounter in daily life. The truth is beyond understanding in this realm.

Tonight you will go to the other place alone. I and the ones you will meet will guide you but we cannot go with you to the truth. We have given the truth back to the wise one for safekeeping. Our time in the truth has come and gone because it is your time now.

When you go into the truth, let yourself be. Do not fear anything. Do not expect anything. The truth does not appeal to your bodily needs. The truth is beyond all that. The truth is on a higher plane.

Son, the moment is soon arriving. I can no longer see the truth so I no longer know what you will become. I trust the truth to set you free because I know that freedom is your destiny. Yet the truth will also let you know that one day you will lose your freedom and become like me. Someone will come along who will take the truth from you because you will give it freely.

The truth is. The truth lasts now. It has no past or future. It is. It is not. The truth does not exist as you imagine the truth to be.

Son, the time has come. I would ask you to close your eyes but open or closed does not matter. The truth is revealed to you. You cannot see the truth.

Son, see the people around you. We stand here, some with truth and some without. I cannot tell you which is which but soon you will know. When you become one with the truth, you also become one with everything else, including me, your mother and your father, your brothers and your sisters, your aunts and your uncles, your ancestors and your descendants. You will also see the truth within the truth, that none of us exist. Nothing exists as you think you see it now.

It is time. Stand there and do not speak. I will step back behind you. I will count to ten but you will not hear me finish. You will become the truth and never know who I am anymore. Son, I love you. Go in peace. The truth is now yours. Use it wisely. One, two, three, four, five, ....

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