22 August 2009

Rice Mat

"Master, I do not understand."

"The name's Mister, not master."

"Sorry, sir."

"And not sir, either. Mister."

"Sorry, Mister."

"That's Mister Mister to you, broken twig."

"Yes sir, Mister Mister, sir."

"Sir Mister, Mister Sir? Silly rhymes. You have much to learn."

"Tell me again my purpose."

"You are like the red maple that grows in the garden, producing thousands of seeds."

"I am overproductive!"

"My mistake. No, you are one of seeds. We are like the tree. We produce many, many of our kind but only one or two grow up to be strong and able to withstand the winds of nature."

"But don't the squirrels and other creatures eat all the seeds? Who eats us?"

"That, little bread crumb, is what you are to find out."

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