27 August 2009

Great Scott Key!

As a history teacher, I get a lot of interesting questions from my students. Today, a group of students approached me and asked when we merged with France. France? I asked. Yes, because, they said, innocently ignorant (I never CALL my students ignoramooses until after I've watched them play the cracked barrel triangle peg game), doesn't our national anthem honor the co-president of our combined countries. Co-president? We don't have co-presidents! Well, they said in anonymous unison, the lyrics go like this, they sang, "Oh-h, Sar-ko-o-zee, by your darling model wife...". Guys, I say, a smirk on my face, someone's playing tricks on you. That's not how it goes. They walked away disappointed. Guess I should throw away the official text? Methinks my students have better history lessons than I do!

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